SQL for JSON and Schema Support (Part 5): Intermezzo 3 – MongoDB’s $jsonschema

The previous blog discussed MongoDB’s $jsonschema behavior with a strict validation level. Let’s look at the moderate validation level in this blog.


As usual, first, let’s create a collection and add a few JSON documents to it. Afterwards a schema validation is added with the moderate setting (the following is based on MongoDB version 3.6.1).

> mongo
> use moderate_exploration

Initially, before adding a schema, two JSON objects are inserted that are not compliant with the schema that is going to be added afterwards. The reason is that we need non-compliant JSON objects to discuss the moderate level later.

> db.orders.insert({
   "orderId": 1,
   "orderDate": ISODate("2017-09-30T00:00:00Z"),
   "orderLineItems": [{
    "itemId": 55,
    "numberOrdered": 20
    }, {
    "itemId": 56,
    "numberOrdered": 21
   "specialInstructions": "Drop of in front, 
                           not back of location"
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
> db.orders.insert({
   "orderId": 2,
   "orderDate": ISODate("2017-09-30T00:00:00Z"),
   "orderLineItems": [{
    "itemId": 55,
    "numberOrdered": 40
    }, {
    "itemId": 56,
    "numberOrdered": 41
   "preferredColor": "red"
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

Now the schema is added:

> db.runCommand({ 
   "collMod": "orders",
   "validator": {  
    "$jsonSchema": {   
      "bsonType": "object",
       "required": ["orderId", "orderDate", "orderLineItems"],
       "properties": {
        "orderId": { 
         "bsonType": "int",
         "description": "Order Identifier: must be of 
                         type int and is required"
        "orderDate": { 
         "bsonType": "date",
         "description": "Order Date: must be of 
                         type date and is required"
        "orderLineItems": { 
         "bsonType": "array",
         "items": {  
          "bsonType": "object",
          "properties": {   
           "itemId": {    
           "bsonType": "int"   
           "numberOrdered": {    
           "bsonType": "int"   
         "description": "Order Line Items: must be of 
                         type array and is required"
   "validationLevel": "moderate",
   "validationAction": "error"
{ "ok" : 1 }

After the schema is added, two more JSON objects are inserted, this time being schema compliant.

> db.orders.insert({
   "orderId": NumberInt(3),
   "orderDate": ISODate("2017-09-30T00:00:00Z"),
   "orderLineItems": [{
    "itemId": NumberInt(55),
    "numberOrdered": NumberInt(60)
    }, {
    "itemId": NumberInt(56),
    "numberOrdered": NumberInt(61)
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
> db.orders.insert({
   "orderId": NumberInt(4),
   "orderDate": ISODate("2017-09-30T00:00:00Z"),
   "orderLineItems": [{
    "itemId": NumberInt(55),
    "numberOrdered": NumberInt(80)
    }, {
    "itemId": NumberInt(56),
    "numberOrdered": NumberInt(81)
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

At this point the created collection is governed by a schema, and contains four JSON documents, two are compliant with the schema (orderId 3 and 4), and two are not compliant (orderId 1 and 2).


The MongoDB documentation states for “moderate”: “Apply validation rules to inserts and to updates on existing valid documents. Do not apply rules to updates on existing invalid documents.” (https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/collMod/#validationLevel).

Let’s explore now the behavior of the moderate validation level.

First, let’s try to insert a non-compliant JSON document. The insert will fail as expected:

> db.orders.insert({
   "orderId": 5,
   "orderDate": ISODate("2017-09-30T00:00:00Z"),
   "orderLineItems": [{
    "itemId": 55,
    "numberOrdered": 40
    }, {
    "itemId": 56,
    "numberOrdered": 41
   "preferredColor": "red"
 "nInserted": 0,
 "writeError": {
  "code": 121,
  "errmsg": "Document failed validation"

Second, let’s try to update a compliant JSON document that already exists in the collection in a non-compliant way:

> db.orders.update({  
   "orderId": NumberInt(3) 
   }, {  
   "$set": {   
    "orderDate": "2018-01-09"  

As expected the update fails:

 "nMatched" : 0,
 "nUpserted" : 0,
 "nModified" : 0,
 "writeError" : {
  "code" : 121,
  "errmsg" : "Document failed validation"

Third, let’s try to update a non-compliant JSON document

> db.orders.update({  
   "orderId": NumberInt(1) 
   }, {  
   "$set": {   
    "orderDate": "2018-01-10"  

As per the above explanation of moderate this should work and indeed it does:

 "nMatched": 1,
 "nUpserted": 0,
 "nModified": 1

Bypassing Validation

With the correct permission (https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#bypassDocumentValidation) it is possible to bypass document validation.

This allows for the situation that e.g. a collection is governed by a new schema, however, existing application code might have to continue to insert or to update documents with a structure that violates the new schema as the logic cannot be adjusted to the new schema quickly enough (including transforming the non-compliant to compliant JSON documents).


The brief analysis of MongoDB wrt. document validation in context of JSON schemas added to collections in the last three blogs showed that while schema supervision is possible, it is not as strict as in relational database management systems.

Basically, if a schema is present, a user cannot infer that all documents in that collection comply to that schema. A schema related to a collection can be changed, and existing documents that would violate the new schema on insert will not be discarded from the collection. Furthermore, properties that are not covered by the schema can be added and changed freely.

Go [ JSON | Relational ] SQL!


The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

SQL for JSON and Schema Support (Part 4): Intermezzo 2 – MongoDB’s $jsonschema

After some initial exploration in the previous blog, more aspects on MongoDB’s $jsonschema are looked at in the following.


First, let’s create a collection as follows. It is governed by a schema, and validation is in the strictest setting (the following is based on MongoDB version 3.6.0).

> mongo
> use more_exploration
> db.createCollection("orders", {
  "validator": {
   "$jsonSchema": {
    "bsonType": "object",
    "required": ["orderId", "orderDate", "orderLineItems"],
    "properties": {
     "orderId": {
      "bsonType": "int",
      "description": "Order Identifier: must be of 
                     type int and is required"
     "orderDate": {
      "bsonType": "date",
      "description": "Order Date: must be of 
                     type date and is required"
     "orderLineItems": {
      "bsonType": "array",
      "items": {
       "bsonType": "object",
       "properties": {
        "itemId": {
         "bsonType": "int"
        "numberOrdered": {
         "bsonType": "int"
      "description": "Order Line Items: must be of 
                     type array and is required"
  "validationLevel": "strict",
  "validationAction": "error"
{ "ok" : 1 }

The two documents from the example outlined in the initial blog of series are added next.

> db.orders.insert({
   "orderId": NumberInt(1),
   "orderDate": new Date("2017-09-30"),
   "orderLineItems": [{
     "itemId": NumberInt(55),
     "numberOrdered": NumberInt(20)
     "itemId": NumberInt(56),
     "numberOrdered": NumberInt(21)
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
> db.orders.insert({
   "orderId": NumberInt(2),
   "orderDate": new Date("2017-09-30"),
   "orderLineItems": [{
     "itemId": NumberInt(55),
     "numberOrdered": NumberInt(30)
     "itemId": NumberInt(56),
     "numberOrdered": NumberInt(31)
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

Insert Strictness and Partial Schema Coverage

The validator is in place on the collection “orders”. This can be verified with the command

> db.getCollectionInfos({name: "orders"})

Now let’s try and add a document that has additional properties in addition to those that comply with the schema as follows:

> db.orders.insert({
   "orderId": NumberInt(3),
   "orderDate": new Date("2017-09-30"),
   "orderLineItems": [{
     "itemId": NumberInt(55),
     "numberOrdered": NumberInt(40)
     "itemId": NumberInt(56),
     "numberOrdered": NumberInt(41)
   "preferredColor": "red"
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

It appears that as long as the schema is satisfied, additional properties can be inserted. So the schema is not completely covering the object to be inserted, but only those properties that are defined in the schema (validator). It is a partial schema coverage.

Here is the counter example: the value of the property “orderLineItems” is not in compliance, and so the insertion fails:

> db.orders.insert({
   "orderId": NumberInt(4),
   "orderDate": new Date("2017-09-30"),
   "orderLineItems": ["b", "g"],
   "preferredColor": "red"
 "nInserted": 0,
 "writeError": {
  "code": 121,
  "errmsg": "Document failed validation"

Update Strictness and Partial Schema Coverage

The following updates an existing document:

> db.orders.update({
   "orderId": NumberInt(2)
  }, {
   "$set": {
    "orderDate": new Date("2017-10-01")
 "nMatched": 1,
 "nUpserted": 0,
 "nModified": 1

In part 1 of this blog series the order with identifier 1 was updated to add a property “specialInstructions”. This is not schema compliant, however, the update is possible as it does not violate that part of the document that is covered by the schema.

> db.orders.update({
   "orderId": NumberInt(1)
   }, {
   "$set": {
    "specialInstructions": "Drop of in front, 
                           not back of location"
 "nMatched": 1,
 "nUpserted": 0,
 "nModified": 1

Partial schema coverage applies to update as well, not just to inserts.

An example of a non-compliant update is the following:

> db.orders.update({
   "orderId": NumberInt(2)
  }, {
   "$set": {
    "orderDate": "2017-09-30"
 "nMatched": 0,
 "nUpserted": 0,
 "nModified": 0,
 "writeError": {
  "code": 121,
  "errmsg": "Document failed validation"


MongoDB supports partial schema coverage in strict mode, meaning, properties defined in the schema must match the schema, however, properties not specified in the schema can be added or modified without rejection.

This means (again) that examining the JSON schema validator of a MongoDB collection only indicates properties common to all documents, but not the complete set of properties of all documents.

The next blog examines the non-strict validation setting of a JSON schema validator in MongoDB.

Go [ JSON | Relational ] SQL!


The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

SQL for JSON and Schema Support (Part 3): Intermezzo 1 – MongoDB’s $jsonschema

MongoDB introduced support for JSON Schema through $jsonschema. Let’s explore this new functionality a bit in this blog.


The functionality is introduced here: https://docs.mongodb.com/master/reference/operator/query/jsonSchema/#op._S_jsonSchema It states “$jsonSchema can be used in a document validator, which enforces that inserted or updated documents are valid against the schema.”

A first item to note is that this approach is supporting BSON types (http://bsonspec.org/, https://docs.mongodb.com/master/reference/operator/query/type/), not just JSON structures (https://www.json.org/), using a specific property “bsonType” that is not part of the JSON Schema standard (http://json-schema.org/).

A second observation is that the schema specification is inline with the collection creation and cannot refer to a separate JSON schema file or JSON object representing a JSON schema.

JSON Schema Validator Example

Let’s use the example of the first blog in this series, create a schema for it and use that as a constraint for the “orders” collection. Then documents are added to the collection (and there seem to be errors as well). For reference the version used is: MongoDB server version: 3.6.0.

> mongo
> use schema_exploration
> db.createCollection("orders", {
  "validator": {
   "$jsonSchema": {
    "bsonType": "object",
    "required": ["orderId", "orderDate", "orderLineItems"],
    "properties": {
     "orderId": {
      "bsonType": "int",
      "description": "Order Identifier: must be of 
                     type int and is required"
     "orderDate": {
      "bsonType": "date",
      "description": "Order Date: must be of 
                     type date and is required"
     "orderLineItems": {
      "bsonType": "array",
      "items": {
       "bsonType": "string"
      "description": "Order Line Items: must be of 
                     type array and is required"
{ "ok" : 1 }

A quick note: “bsonType” can be used in all levels in order to refer to BSON types, not just on the top level.

> db.orders.insert({
  "orderId": NumberInt(1),
  "orderDate": new Date("2017-09-30"),
  "orderLineItems": [{
   "itemId": 55,
   "numberOrdered": 30
  }, {
   "itemId": 56,
   "numberOrdered": 31
 "nInserted": 0,
 "writeError": {
  "code": 121,
  "errmsg": "Document failed validation"

Along the way I ran into a validation issue as I constraint the array elements to strings, rather than objects, as used in the example of the first blog in this series. So I made a schema definition mistake.

To note is that the response on the shell does not indicate what the problem was making debugging hard, especially when large and complex schemas are to be debugged.

> db.orders.insert({
  "orderId": NumberInt(1),
  "orderDate": new Date("2017-09-30"),
  "orderLineItems": ["a", "b"]
 "nInserted": 1

Once I realized the mistake I made, I inserted a document complying to the schema in order to make sure I identified the issue correctly.

JSON Schema Validator Update

Obviously, after defining a wrong schema, the correct schema should be used as validator.

This is the correct schema:

 "bsonType": "object",
 "required": ["orderId", "orderDate", "orderLineItems"],
 "properties": {
  "orderId": {
   "bsonType": "int",
   "description": "Order Identifier: must be of 
                  type int and is required"
  "orderDate": {
   "bsonType": "date",
   "description": "Order Date: must be of 
                  type date and is required"
  "orderLineItems": {
   "bsonType": "array",
   "items": {
    "bsonType": "object",
    "properties": {
     "itemId": {
      "bsonType": "int"
     "numberOrdered": {
      "bsonType": "int"
   "description": "Order Line Items: must be of 
                  type array and is required"

And this is the command to update the validator:

> db.runCommand({
  "collMod": "orders",
  "validator": {
   "$jsonSchema": {
    "bsonType": "object",
    "required": ["orderId", "orderDate", "orderLineItems"],
    "properties": {
     "orderId": {
      "bsonType": "int",
      "description": "Order Identifier: must be of 
                     type int and is required"
     "orderDate": {
      "bsonType": "date",
      "description": "Order Date: must be of 
                     type date and is required"
     "orderLineItems": {
      "bsonType": "array",
      "items": {
       "bsonType": "object",
       "properties": {
        "itemId": {
         "bsonType": "int"
        "numberOrdered": {
         "bsonType": "int"
      "description": "Order Line Items: must be of 
                     type array and is required"
  "validationLevel": "strict"
{ "ok" : 1 }

Some background on the command used is here: https://docs.mongodb.com/master/reference/command/collMod/.

Following is an attempt to add one more of the (now mismatching) documents:

> db.orders.insert({
  "orderId": NumberInt(1),
  "orderDate": new Date("2017-09-30"),
  "orderLineItems": ["a", "b"]
 "nInserted": 0,
 "writeError": {
  "code": 121,
  "errmsg": "Document failed validation"

As it should be, the insert fails.

And here the insert of a now correct document:

> db.orders.insert({
  "orderId": NumberInt(1),
  "orderDate": new Date("2017-09-30"),
  "orderLineItems": [{
   "itemId": NumberInt(55),
   "numberOrdered": NumberInt(20)
  }, {
   "itemId": NumberInt(56),
   "numberOrdered": NumberInt(21)
 "nInserted": 1

Collection Inconsistency: Mismatch of Schema and Documents

There is an interesting issue appearing at this point. The new schema does not match all existing documents in the collection. Or the other way around: the collection now contains documents that do not match that schema.

> db.orders.find()
 "_id": ObjectId("5a2022c3fb460d15db9ec73e"),
 "orderId": 1,
 "orderDate": ISODate("2017-09-30T00:00:00Z"),
 "orderLineItems": ["a", "b"]
} {
 "_id": ObjectId("5a202322fb460d15db9ec741"),
 "orderId": 1,
 "orderDate": ISODate("2017-09-30T00:00:00Z"),
 "orderLineItems": [{
  "itemId": 55,
  "numberOrdered": 20
 }, {
  "itemId": 56,
  "numberOrdered": 21

MongoDB did not flag that there are documents in the collection that will not match the new schema (even though the validation level strict was used).

Adding a validation action with value of “error” does not change the situation, either.

Implication to Semantics

Given that the schema of a collection can be changed at any time, and given that MongoDB does not fail the schema update based on mismatching documents already in the collection, examining the schema is insufficient to understand the structure of the documents in a collection.

So a collection with a schema does not ensure that all documents in that collection are schema compliant. It rather insures that from the point in time the schema was added or updated documents will have to comply. Previous documents in the collections are not affected.


The notion of “schema” in context of MongoDB is very different from the notion of “schema” in context of relational database management systems. In MongoDB the documents in the collection do not have to comply to the schema; they only do have to comply at time of insertion.

There will be more exploration coming up in the next blog on this topic in order to further understand the semantics of “schema” in context of MongoDB.

Go [ JSON | Relational ] SQL!


The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

SQL for JSON and Schema Support (Part 2): Where does the “Interesting” Code go?

The previous blog found that the “generic” indirect representation of JSON data is one way of supporting “schema-free” JSON objects or documents. Where does the “interesting” functional code live?

Indirect Representation

To recap, the indirect representation is a set of classes, functions, etc. (depending on programming language) that can manage JSON objects or JSON documents. All or most languages have libraries supporting JSON manipulation. For example, Jackson is such a library for Java.

These JSON libraries can manage any valid JSON structure, and they do not require a schema or the JSON objects being homogeneous. Two JSON objects representing the same concept like an order with different attributes (as shown in the previous blog) can be managed by such JSON libraries.

Structural Manipulation

Structural manipulation of JSON objects supports the addition, update or deletion of properties (members) as well as JSON array elements. Property values can be replaced, for example, a JSON string with a JSON object.

Through structural manipulation it is possible to change a JSON object as needed, when e.g. new details appear in form of additional properties.

Structural manipulation was demonstrated in a database context in the last blog: properties were added through the update statement. The same is possible in the indirect representation libraries in the various programming languages.


Structural manipulation is not the only code that is required as structural manipulation does not allow to compute any specific application semantics. For example, in context of orders, the total value of not yet shipped orders might be a value that needs to be computed.

In a database context this would be an aggregation query that sums up the amount of all orders that do not have the status of shipped.

In context of a programming language it would require a function that iterates through all orders and, like in the database aggregation approach, adds up the sum of those orders that have not shipped yet.

It probably would be implemented as a set of cooperating functions, like

DollarAmount getValueOfOrdersNotShipped(JSONArray orders)
boolean hasOrderShipped(JSONObject order)
DollarAmount getValueOfOrder(JSONObject order)

JSONArray as well as JSONObject are an example of an indirect representation holding order data as a JSON structure.

Note: of course, in the absence of a schema (which is assumed here), there is no assurance that the JSONArray or the JSONObject contain only orders or that the orders are homogeneous in structure. There has to be “trust” that this is indeed the case.

If validation is desired, and if no schema is available, then the only alternative is validating values in one or more JSON object properties. For example, order identifiers might be of a specific structure that uniquely identifies an identifier being an order identifier. This would require trust that the algorithms creating identifiers are correct.

Separation of Manipulation and Computation

The JSON libraries supporting the indirect representation are separate from the functional code (like the summing up of order values). The software architecture and design has to structure this separation and ideally ensures that all functions concerned with orders are “close” from a code structure or software architecture perspective.

There might be functions that can be reused across different concepts (like orders, returns, shipments, etc.), and they can be refactored out, of course, as in “normal” functional code.

Given the above rationalization, how does the absence of a schema come into the picture?

Implication of Schema Free JSON Objects

Since there is no schema, JSON objects can have a different structure even though they represent the same concepts. In context of orders,  let’s look at two use cases:

  • An order does not have a shipping status
  • An order does have a value but in a variety of data types

In a world without schema these are possible use cases and the functional code needs to check for those.

Addressing the first use case can be accomplished by checking for existence. Code can check if a property is present and react accordingly. In the above example, the code designer can choose to have hasOrderShipped() return false or throw an error in case there is no shipping status.

The second use case can be addressed by checking for the type of the value of the order. If possible, value transformations can be implemented in getValueOfOrder(), e.g., string to number; if it is not possible to transform, an error can be thrown.


In a schema free JSON context there are several aspects from a code perspective: functional code implementing application semantics is separate from the code that manages the structure of JSON objects. That separation must be carefully managed from an architectural perspective.

The functional code must anticipate non-homogeneous JSON objects and check for variation in order to be able to implement the functionality accurately.

But wait, there is more:-) The next blog will venture into more nuances.

Go [ JSON | Relational ] SQL!


The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

SQL for JSON and Schema Support (Part 1): Preliminaries

Missing schema support and schema enforcement is touted as a good thing: is it really?

“Schema Free”, “Flexible Schema”, “Schema Per Document”

What is meant by a database supporting the JSON data structure without providing support and enforcement for schemas? Such a database is often characterized as “schema free”, or supporting a “flexible schema” or “schema per document”. What does it mean?

No matter how such a database supporting JSON it is labelled, it does not provide an interface to define, to manage or to enforce schema(s) for the data, aka JSON documents, it is managing (“enforcing” is used in the semantics a relational database enforces a schema). This means that a client (e.g., application code) can store JSON documents that have any form as long as those comply to the JSON (syntax) standard (and possibly proprietary extensions by the database system).

It furthermore means that JSON documents representing instances of the same concepts (like e.g. orders or games or employees) do not have to have the same structure. Those JSON documents can be different from each other, not only in values, but also in structure.

An example follows of a possible scenario (using MongoDB).


The example stores initially two documents that have the same structure, and subsequently their structure diverges through updates. No schema enforcement prevents the changes.

use blog;
  "orderId": 1,
  "orderDate": "9/30/2017",
  orderLineItems: [{
      "itemId": 55,
      "numberOrdered": 20
      "itemId": 56,
      "numberOrdered": 21
  "orderId": 2,
  "orderDate": "9/30/2017",
  orderLineItems: [{
      "itemId": 55,
      "numberOrdered": 30
      "itemId": 56,
      "numberOrdered": 31
    "orderId": 1
  }, {
    "$set": {
      "Drop of in front, not back of location"
    "orderId": 2,
    "orderLineItems.itemId": 55
  }, {
    $set: {
      "orderLineItems.$.color": "transparent"

The ability to store different JSON documents with different structures, even if they represent (instances of) the same concept, can be seen as a powerful feature. It allows modifying the data as needed to represent changing requirements or specific representation needs. Data migration is easier, too, as data can be changed in place.

This flexibility also has downsides and (engineering) cost that need to be considered and dealt with in a concrete implementation.

Application Implementation

Application code accessing a database has a full or partial representation of the data it queries (or in general manages) in the type system of the deployed programming language.

There are basically two choices an application (short for application code) has to represent data:

  • Direct representation
  • Indirect representation

In a direct representation the concept as stored in the database is defined as data structure in the programming language. For example, using Java as the programming language example, an order is represented as a Java class “Order”. This class has all the methods required to access the various elements of an order (that might be implemented as Java classes themselves). In this approach an order stored in the database, when queried, will be managed as an instance of the Java class Order in the application code. Methods support access or modification to the instance of order, and the methods are order semantics specific, like getOrderDate() or updateOrderLineItem() or totalNumberInidividualItems().

In the indirect representation, an order would be represented not as instance of a Java class that reflects the concept, but an instance of a “meta” Java class. This “meta” class is able to store all data from the database, not just orders. Such a class would have methods like createInstance(), setIdentifier(), setType(), addAttribute(), etc. A type would be “Order”, an attribute would be “lineItem”, etc.

Consequences Of Choice

Given the two representations discussed earlier (direct and indirect), the choice seems to be clear. While the direct representation can capture the semantics of a concept directly (aka, a Java class “Order” can implement order specific methods), this approach would not be able to easily (or at all) deal with changes in the database representation of orders. For example, if an additional attribute is added to the JSON document representing an order (as shown above), the Java class would not be able to change dynamically and capture it.

The indirect representation, however, would not have any problems representing order JSON objects with different structure as e.g. attributes can be dynamically added. This means that instances of the “meta” Java class can represent any JSON document as stored in the database.

These “meta” Java classes are actually already available in form of JSON processing libraries. Such libraries support the creation of JSON structure representations and they can represent any JSON object (or JSON array) that implements a correct JSON syntax.


At a first glance it looks like databases that support JSON without enforcing a schema at the same time are a good choice for ease of data management. And, using the indirect representation approach applications can deal with dynamically changing JSON objects or JSON objects of different structure representing the same concept.

However, as always, there are more details to discuss and additional aspects are going to be examined in the next blog.

Go [ JSON | Relational ] SQL!


The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.


NoSQL: No-Tation

This is too good to pass as there is a ton of truth in this simple presentation below. It is cited from http://java.dzone.com/articles/history-databases-”no-tation” without modification:


What Flavor of SQL?

The question now is: what flavor of SQL is the SQL in “No, SQL!”?

One alternative is to start from scratch and invent a SQL grammar and semantics that is not based on the existing SQL standard and SQL implementations. That would not be my choice at all, for the obvious reasons.

Another alternative is to treat JSON ‘just’ as a data structure and embed it into existing SQL. This would be roughly the equivalent of the object/relational model (~NF2) with the variation that there is no global schema and some non-standard SQL types.

The (in my opinion) better alternative is to look at JSON as more than just a data structure and combine JSON with the schema-per-document paradigm as the underlying philosophy.

  • This would be a real game changer as it would cater to the dynamic changing JSON data structures as needed in many projects.
  • As a result, the schema-per-document model would be integrated with the relational model so that a single database management system can support several data models and their paradigms concurrently.

Extending SQL Semantics

Supporting a schema-per-document philosophy requires extending the SQL semantics and its operators to be able to deal with the fact that different JSON structures might have a different schema, even if they are in the same collection or relational table.

Operators like typeOf() come to mind that can test if a path into a JSON structure refers to a specific JSON type or JSON literal name. Another operator is exists() to test if a path into a JSON structure exists. Or array operators that can determine if an array contains a specific JSON structure as an element. containsPath() is an operator that checks if a JSON structure has the path given.

Many more operators can be envisioned to make managing and querying JSON structures in context of SQL expressive and useful.



The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.


NoSQL Databases: Data First, Schema Second? Or Vice Versa?

When using NoSQL databases, the notion of ‘schema’ enters the picture sooner or later. But when is the best time? And what to do about it?

Global vs. Local vs. Mixed Document Schema

One of the first distinctions is a global vs. local vs. mixed schema. A global schema is a schema that is defined for a given set of documents, e.g., a collection or table of documents. Every document in the collection must comply to the schema defined for the collection.

A local schema is a schema for a single document. Every document can have its own schema. It is possible that several documents follow the same schema. However, those are in general not grouped based on their schema.

A mixed schema is in part a global schema, and in part a local schema. This means that a document must contain certain properties as defined by the global schema, and the local schema allows additional schema elements on a per-document basis.

In terms of system examples:

  • Oracle NoSQL [http://www.oracle.com/us/products/database/nosql/] follows the local schema approach.
    • Documents in Oracle NoSQL are grouped by keys. Each document can have its own schema, aka, a local schema.
  • MongoDB [http://www.mongodb.org/] follows the mixed schema approach.
    • There is one property that must be present: ‘_id’ in all documents across all MongoDB collections and it must be unique. In this sense, MongoDB does not follow a pure local schema approach as one mandatory property is specified globally.
  • FoundationDB [https://foundationdb.com/] follows the global schema approach.
    • FoundationDB implements the concept of ‘table groups’ and supports query results to be serialized as JSON objects. However, from the viewpoint of the data model, it is relational and the hierarchical structure (aka, sub-documents) comes into play through foreign keys and SQL extensions that have been explored a long time ago in context of NF2 relations.
  • Oracle 12c [http://docs.oracle.com/database/121/ADXDB/json.htm#ADXDB6246] follows the local schema approach.
    • A JSON document is stored in a column of a table. That column is completely schema-free so that JSON documents of any schema can be stored and hence the schema is local.

Explicit vs. Implicit Document Schema

A second important distinction is an explicit vs. an implicit schema (or extensional vs. intentional schema). An extensional schema is defined through a schema representation format (e.g., Avro [http://avro.apache.org/]) or SQL-style DDL statements. An intentional schema does not have a separate representation, but it can be derived from the structure of a document instance (not always unambiguously).

In terms of system examples:

  • Oracle NoSQL: supports both, explicit and implicit schemas
  • MongoDB: implicit schema
  • FoundationDB: explicit schema
  • Oracle 12c: implicit schema

From a different perspective an implicit schema means that a document can be stored as it is without having to define a schema for it and without checking that it conforms to a schema. An explicit schema requires the schema to be defined and that documents are compliant before they can be stored successfully.

The ‘edge case’ is MongoDB that enforces the property ‘_id’ in every document. If it is not present, it will be automatically added. While MongoDB supports mainly an implicit schema, ‘_id’ is the exception.

Mandatory Document Schema

A third important distinction is the requirement for a mandatory schema before documents can be stored. If the database requires a schema, documents cannot be inserted before the schema is specified. If a schema is not mandatory, documents can be stored without having a schema in place.

In terms of system examples:

  • Oracle NoSQL: no mandatory schema
  • MongoDB: no mandatory schema
  • FoundationDB: requires a mandatory schema
  • Oracle 12c: no mandatory schema

Roles of Database Users

Even though one could get the impression, not everybody using a database in his or her role necessarily likes a document database where every document can have its own schema (schema-less, or better, schema-varying database). Some users do, some users don’t. For the sake of discussion, let’s distinguish two roles in this blog:

  • Data Collector. A data collector is a role for collecting data initially. A data collector determines interesting data to store and that data might or might not be used downstream for further processing. However, it is important for some data to be collected in case it becomes important down the road. And it is important to store data unmodified as the rules of modification (e.g., cleansing, transformation) might not be known at the time of the data collection.
  • Data User. A data user fundamentally applies all CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations on a data set and in most cases through an application system that implements the business logic as well as the business rules. The data user is familiar with the business logic and the business rules in context of the application domain, like a financial application or a forecasting tool.

A data user can be a data collector also as the C (create) function creates data. In this case a data user can be a data collector as well.

Schema First or Schema Second?

From the viewpoint of the two roles, schema management plays an important role. In a black-and-white categorization, the two roles have the following desires:

  • Data Collector. A data collector’s goal is to collect relevant or potentially relevant data. Depending on the data sources, there might not be time or opportunity to define a schema first, and it might not be feasible to maintain a schema in the long run (including schema migration). A data collector therefore likes
    • local schema – implicit schema – not mandatory schema (‘schema second’)
  • Data User. A data user has to accomplish work and prefers clear-cut business rules and business functionality so that the application semantics is clear. A data user therefore likes
    • global schema – explicit schema – mandatory schema (‘schema first’)

The data collector stores data into a data collector database, and the database of the data user is called data user database. Both databases can be the same, or they can be two different databases, as discussed later.

A data collector, after having collected data, might want to query it for e.g. statistical and analytical purposes (e.g., how much data was collected, how many documents have a reference to a product description, etc.). So a data collector would prefer to have a schema after the collection of data in support of query formulation; so schema second.

A data user rarely operates on data directly, however, software engineers have to implement the business logic and business rules. Software engineers, for sure, enjoy certainty when it comes to a schema as variations cause significant code complexity in the general case; so schema first.

Co-existence of Schema First and Schema Second?

In the ideal case, both approaches, schema first and schema second are supported at the same time. This would make both roles happy and support their particular use cases. Let’s explore a few options:

  • ETL (extract – transform – load) from data collector database to data user database
    • This approach suggests an explicit transformation step that extracts data from the data collector database and adds it to the data user database. Along the way data type transformations can take place as well as handling of null values, absent properties, and other data modeling specifics. The extraction can be partial so that only relevant data are extracted. However, data duplication (at least partial) is one downside, amongst others.
  • View on data collector database
    • This approach creates a view through which access is provided on a single database (data collector and data user combined). A view could deal with the various transformation tasks; however, updates and deletions might be difficult or even impossible. So this is a potential solution only for the case of read access.
  • Automatic schema extraction
    • A schema can be derived from an document. It is therefore possible that for the data collector database the set of all possible schema can be made available to the data user. If the data user creates a super-set then a global schema is available. Of course, for a given document the schema only partially applies and the business functionality and business rules have to be aware of this. In this case also, the data collector and data user database are the same.
  • Intelligent ORM Layer
    • An ORM layer could provide the impression of a fixed document structure towards the data user, while being able to deal with the heterogeneous document schemas internally. If the ORM layer is flexible enough, it can provide updates as well as delete functionality, and if necessary, an extension mechanism to add custom code in order to make the delete or update functionality specific to the given document set. In this case also, the data collector and data user database are the same.

From an implementation perspective an ORM layer seems to be a practical approach as it allows to separate the transformation and update/delete logic from the application logic, while operating on a single database. However, every data access has to execute some transformation logic in general.

If space is of secondary concern or if the data set for the data user is a lot smaller than that of the data collector, the ETL approach might be preferable as the transformation logic is separate from the data access logic of the application systems.

Automatic schema extraction is certainly helpful in all cases as the schema has to be known in order to implement the ORM layer or the ETL component. If NoSQL databases start implementing a view mechanism then this might be preferable for read-only access situations.

Schema-Varying Languages?

It is, of course, tempting to ask if there is an easy and elegant way to deal with local schemas in application systems? Is is possible to write an application system that does not require a schema in the first place?

While this is a huge topic on its own, server-side JavaScript might be a good place to start as the language is not based on a class/instance paradigm, but prototype approach. It’s type system is almost equivalent with JSON. The language, therefore, is able to represent documents with local schema easily and effortlessly. Since JavaScript can introspect objects and since it implements the prototype mechanism it is possible to represent local functionality for documents with a local schema. One of the bigger questions is how to represent this flexibility to the end user on user interfaces in an ergonomic way.

However, this is a discussion on its own and I’ll save it for a later blog.


When is a good time to deal with the notion of ‘schema’ in NoSQL database projects? As the discussion has shown, different databases provide different schema support and different users look for schema support at different point in the data life cycle, if at all.

So unless schema is completely irrelevant in your project (and will stay irrelevant for sure), the discussion cannot start early enough because depending on its importance it might influence the database selection as well as the overall product architecture and implementation effort around schema maintenance and enforcement.

Schema-free Database (Part 2): Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

As outlined in Part 1 of this series (https://realprogrammer.wordpress.com/2013/11/02/schema-free-database-part-1-an-oxymoron/), a ‘schema-free database’ is an oxymoron and in fact the notion of schema is changing from a more restrictive to a more flexible interpretation in context of NoSQL database technology.

So it is only consequential to ask the question the other way around (as a thought experiment): is it possible to build a relational database management system that does not enforce a schema, and if so, how would such a system look like on an abstract level?

Yes, it is possible to have a non-schema-enforcing RDBMS. Let’s discuss two variations next.

Definition of No-Schema-Enforcing Relational Database Management System

What functionality would be altered in order to provide a no-schema-enforcing RDBMS? If it were possible to create a table without specifying columns (aka, only a table name), and then to insert, update and delete rows, then a ‘schema-free’ RDBMS would be in place. This would mean in detail:

  • Rows do not have to comply to a schema when inserted into a table. Different rows in the same table could have different attributes (columns) and the same attributes of different rows could have different domains (flexible type system).
  • By defining a table without specifying columns (names and domains), a table would not define a primary key, either (neither a simple, nor a composite key). Applications inserting or updating rows can behave nicely and add properties with values that comply to the primary key semantics, but the RDBMS would not be aware of it and consequently would not enforce primary key compliance.
  • By the same token, foreign keys would not be enforced by the RDBMS for the same reasons.
  • Since no primary key enforcement is in place, duplicate rows will not be prevented by the RDBMS and any supervision is left to the application systems.
  • Indexes are independent of schema specification and assuming that indexes are maintained on tables, not all rows might be present in an index if the attributes defined by the index are not contained in a row.

Surprisingly (or not), defining a no-schema-enforcing RDBMS is pretty straight forward.

Variation on No-Schema-Enforcing RDBMS

An interesting variation of a no-schema-enforcing RDBMS could be that a schema, primary keys, foreign keys, etc., are specified as usual, however, without being actively enforced; instead, warnings are given by the RDBMS. For example, a row not complying to the schema can actually be inserted, but the result would not be a ‘OK’, but a warning indicating a schema violation.

This can be described as a ‘middle ground’ in widening the schema interpretation where the RDBMS is aware of a schema and warns of violations without rejecting the various DML operations.

Characterization of No-Schema-Enforcing RDBMS

Could a no-schema-enforcing RDBMS (any of the variations) be a useful database management system? Yes, as it would be the equivalent (on the relational model) to NoSQL databases (on JSON/BSON model or key value model).

For use cases where the flexible schema interpretation is key, such a no-schema-enforcing RDBMS could fit the bill (possibly better) than a NoSQL database system if the use case is fundamentally relational in nature (as opposed to e.g. hierarchical or key/value) and if SQL as the query language is important.

Further Exploration

There are additional areas in a RDBMS that will have to change their behavior in a no-schema-enforcing implementation. Only briefly (and not exhaustively), these are

  • Triggers. Triggers are specified on tables and state changes of rows. If particular attributes are referenced inside the trigger, then not every update, insert, read or delete will execute the trigger logic.
  • Stored procedures. Stored procedures often have parameters of specific types and assume a specific set of attributes when processing rows. In a no-schema-enforcing situation the stored procedure has to be able to deal with variations of rows.
  • Functions and function extensions. Functions have to be changed similarly to stored procedures. Not only from the viewpoint of parameters, but also the processing logic.
  • Aggregation. Aggregation will have to change in various ways as the various aggregation functions cannot assume that all attributes are of the same type. Neither can they assume that all attributes are actually present in all rows of a table.

In principle, every concept and every implementation aspect of a RDBMS needs to be re-examined wrt. a wider and more flexible interpretation of ‘schema’. NoSQL systems, by their definition and approach, started with a wider interpretation and consequently made all the conceptual and implementation decisions. They are one source of approach in this regard.

Contact Me

If you plan to explore or to build a no-schema-enforcing RDBMS, please contact me.

Schema-free Database (Part 1): An Oxymoron

The notion of a ‘schema-free database’ keeps coming up, most recently in a meetup I attended a few days ago. Some rationalization follows divided up into the categories of ‘document’ and ‘database’.

While a generalization is easily possible, the context here will be JSON and MongoDB as these are two practical implementations that are available and often used as examples of a ‘schema-free database’. Those provide a nice constraint technology set as an example, while the principles apply to a whole range of other technology, of course.


A JSON document, in short: document, follows a set of construction principles outlined here: http://www.json.org/. This is a rather informal grammar that defines how a valid JSON document is constructed. There are no data type generators and so new data types cannot be introduced; therefore, every document is constructed from the fixed set of types enumerated on that web page.

Document Schema

An attempt has been made to create a more formal mechanism to define a schema for JSON documents: http://json-schema.org/. This approach provides a formal language to describe the schema of a JSON document explicitly.

The json-schema approach combined with the fixed set of types available to create a JSON document means that every JSON document can be described explicitly using json-schema without exceptions. This in turns means that every JSON document has at least an implicit schema, unless it is additionally made explicit with e.g. json-schema.

Therefore, JSON documents have a schema, an implicit one and optionally an explicit one. Depending on the particular schema definition language approach itself, a document might match more than one schema, but that is left for a separate discussion.

Set of Document Schemas

Given a set of JSON documents it is now possible to characterize their relationship to schemas. In the ‘best’ case, all documents follow the same schema; in the ‘worst’ case, each document follows its own schema. And there are cases in-between where a subset of the documents validates against a schema, and another subset against another schema. Depending on the design, one JSON document might validate against different schemas.

The relationship between documents and schemas is n:m in general.


In context of a database, there are a few interesting questions in this context:

  • Does the database understand a document representation (e.g. JSON)?
  • Does the database enforce a document representation?


  • Does the database enforce a schema?
  • Does the database understand a schema?

Let’s answer these questions for MongoDB specifically:


  • MongoDB enforces a partial schema. Each document must have a property called “_id”; if the document being inserted does not have such a property, one is automatically added.
  • MongoDB does not understand an explicit schema as it does not provide for a mechanism to load a schema definition language.

MongoDB, however, understands implicit schemas as MongoDB does allow to e.g. create an index on any property of documents. So MongoDB recognizes properties.

Furthermore, MongoDB supports aggregation functions and supports e.g. the sum of properties across documents (https://realprogrammer.wordpress.com/2012/11/04/null-undefined-nan-and-missing-property-goto-considered-harmful-part-2/). So it is data type aware and implements operators (e.g. sum) on those.

Conclusion: The Notion of ‘Schema’ is Changing

This rather brief discussion clearly rationalizes that the label ‘schema-free database’ is not applicable to technologies such as those discussed in this blog (JSON/BSON, MongoDB).

Hence these technologies are not an example of ‘schema-free database’, to the contrary: they demonstrate that the notion of ‘schema’ can have a wider and more flexible interpretation then what relational databases bring forward.

Null, Undefined, NaN and Missing Property: Goto Considered Harmful (Part 1)

How to deal with property values ‘null’, ‘undefined’, ‘NaN’ and missing properties?

Example: Math

The following five documents are the running example for this blog.

{"amount" : 25}
{"amount" : null}
{"amount" : undefined}
{"amount" : NaN}
{"balance" : 33}

All documents have the property ‘amount’, except for the last document (it is missing the property ‘amount’).

  • What is the total sum across all five documents for the values of property ‘amount’?
    • 25?
  • What is the median of the values for property ‘amount’?
    • 25?
  • What is the average of values for property ‘amount’?
    • 25 or 5 or 6.25?

Modeling Considerations

One way to interpret a property value of ‘null’, ‘undefined’, ‘NaN’ is that the property is present, but its value is not set. Another alternative interpretation is that the property is ‘absent’, meaning, it should not be considered at all (as if it were not present).

For the sum across the documents, the interpretation does not make a difference; likewise, we can argue that for the median it does not make a difference, either.

However, for computing the average it makes a huge difference, as in this case the number of documents becomes part of the computation, not just the values. So in the example above, the interpretation as absent means that the number of documents to be considered is 1, so the average is 25. If the interpretation means that there is not value, then there are 4 documents, so the average is 6.25.

But what about the document without the property ‘amount’? Is it interpreted as ‘amount’ is absent or no value? For the latter the average would result to 5.

Local Schema and Dynamic Schema Changes

In the presence of a document local schema (i.e., each document can follow its own schema) and dynamic schema changes it is extremely important to agree on the interpretation of the constants ‘null’, ‘NaN’, and ‘undefined’.

Equally important is to agree on the meaning if a property is absent. This becomes super-important if documents actually change their schema over time, meaning, e.g., that up to a point in time a property was left out if there was no value and after that the property is present with a value of ‘null’.

On top, when the number of documents (and/or number of found properties) is part of a computation, the agreement also needs to include how to count documents or properties across documents in collections.

Laying Down The Rules

So how exactly does one establish an agreement? One possibility is to put down the rules in form of engineering rules that engineers have to enforce and make sure that they are implemented. This is based on convention and agreement to follow them.

Alternatively, helper functions can be implemented that implement the rules directly. A countProperty() function could return for a given set of documents how many contain a specific property. A valueOf() function could return the value of a property. It either returns a value, or throws an NoValueFound exception.

These functions can ensure in their implementation that the agreed upon interpretation is implemented. And, if interpretations for specific circumstances are necessary (e.g., array of scalars), then these functions can become polymorphic or variations can be implemented.